Bio-efficacy and crop response studies

Successful product launches need a thorough understanding of the products about its efficacy, comparative performance with the market standards and other softer benefits.

Success storyline of any product begins with an expertise and qualitative field testing.

Qualitative Agricultural field trials are the basis of the success of your products.

We support you with reliable results from our field trials to understand different parameters and paves easier ways to register your products and market launches. The field trials are established in endemic locations in a trusting cooperation with you to underline the performance of your products.

We offer trials in all agricultural and horticultural crops. Our main focus is in Rice, Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Chillies, Soybean, Sugarcane fruits and vegetables and plantations crops.
Bio-efficacy and crop response studies
• Herbicides
• Insecticides
• Fungicides
• Biologicals and bio-stimulants
• Seed care products
• Nematicides
• Efficacy trials